Weitere Meldungen aus Spedition

Management & Recht

AEO wird keine Pfl icht - DSLV warnt vor Aktionismus

Der Status des zugelassenen Wirtschaftsbeteiligten (AEO) ist für interessierte Zollbeteiligte freiwillig. Das stellt der Deutsche Speditions- und Logistikverband (DSLV) klar. Es besteht keine gesetzliche Pfl icht zur Beantragung des Status. Auch ist es nach Auffassung des DSLV – entgegen anderslautender Veröffentlichungen – nicht erforderlich, sich eines Beratungsunternehmens zu bedienen, um den Status AEO zu erlangen.

Management & Recht

Guardian Technologies Announces Appointment of Renowned TSA and FAA Security Technology Expert Ronald R. Polillo to Board of Directors

Guardian Technologies International (OTCBB:GDTI), innovators of groundbreaking medical imaging and threat detection technology with critical and immediate applications for the healthcare and homeland security markets, today announced the appointment…

Management & Recht

Airport to break ground on $30 million tower

Ohio’s Dayton International Airport's administration plans to break ground on Sept. 17 for a new air traffic control tower that will cost at least $30 million and won't be operational until 2010. The federal government pays the full cost for the new…

Management & Recht

Security partnership could see countries adopt common border plans

Under the complex web of initiatives known as the Security and Prosperity Partnership Canada, the United States and Mexico are collaborating on more than a dozen traveller security programs that fall under three umbrellas: creating trusted border…