Management & Recht

Hohe Verluste durch Staus an der russischen Grenze

Die Probleme an den Grenzübergängen Finnlands und Lettlands mit Russland halten an. Die Rückstaus sind zeitweilig bis zu 50 km lang.

Management & Recht

Werben für eine sichere Lieferkette

Das Deutsche Verkehrsforum hat in Brüssel für praktikable Regeln zur besseren Transportkettensicherheit geworben. Eine Delegation unter Führung von Hans-Jörg Hager, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Schenker Deutschland AG und Vorsitzender des…

Management & Recht

Turns Out There’s a Reason for Those 3-Ounce Bottles

SIX years into heightened airport security, most of us agree that the checkpoint experience has become quicker, more convenient and less arbitrary than it once was.

Part of the reason, of course, is the comparison with the subsequent airline…

Management & Recht

Unprotected air cargo

The 9/11 Commission warned that terrorists may try to place explosives in the cargo holds of passenger planes and urged that more be done to guard against such attacks. Congress recently passed a good law requiring that all cargo carried on passenger…

Management & Recht

Aviation groups blast security fee 'tax grab'

Canadian air travellers are being taken for a ride by excessive taxes, industry organizations say.

The head of Ottawa-based Air Transport Association of Canada (ATAC), the voice of commercial aviation in Canada, is calling on the federal government…

Management & Recht

Tougher ferry security coming

Drivers and passengers shouldn't notice much of a difference when B.C. Ferries are governed by marine-security regulations that now apply to international marine traffic -- which could happen as early as next year, says a spokeswoman for Transport…

Management & Recht

Report blasts TSA air cargo security

WASHINGTON — The Transportation Security Administration's program for keeping bombs out of airplane cargo holds is riddled with holes that leave passenger planes vulnerable to attack, a government investigation shows.

The TSA has too few cargo…

Management & Recht

Pilots: Cockpits remain vulnerable

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- If one hardened cockpit door is good, would two barriers be even better?

Many airline pilots believe the answer is "yes," and are hoping to reinvigorate efforts to require so-called "secondary barriers" on every commercial…

Management & Recht

Germanischer Lloyd kauft Advantica Holding

Der Germanische Lloyd hat die britische Advantica Holding mit weltweit 660 Mitarbeitern von der National Grid plc gekauft. Dadurch werde der Umsatz in der Öl- und Gasindustrie verdoppelt und die Position auf den Märkten in Großbritannien, dem Nahen…

Management & Recht

Zertifizierung: SML eröffnet weitere Agentur

Die SML GmbH, ein Beratungsunternehmen das sich auf die Transportkettensicherheit spezialisiert hat und Partner des TÜV Austria ist, hat zum 10.09.2007 in Nordrhein-Westfalen ihr erstes Regionalbüro eröffnet.